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A Woman's Love for the Child She Gave Up for Adoption



"The first time I looked into my son's eyes, I felt like a criminal. As I unwrapped his hospital blanket and took in the fragrance of a newborn, I feared that the nurses or nuns would appear to accuse me of contaminating my own son. The three months I had spent in the home for unwed mothers had left me feeling I would be the worst person for my son to know." (Excerpt from The Other Mother)


"My docile body glanced down the hall toward the happy families at the nursery window. At that moment, some great part of me split off and went to be with him. As I abandoned my baby, my soul abandoned me, to be with him." (Excerpt from The Other Mother)


“Strength, sadness, joy, and the power of undeniable love abound in this book.” 500 Great Books by Women (A Penguin Books     Reader’s Guide, 1994). List goes back to the 11th century


“... flows as forcefully as the finest fiction.  ... This ‘ten-hankie-read’ never descends into sentimentality but simply reveals the unvarnished truths of the human heart.”  Wilson Library Bulletin


“This wrenching account, covering a range of adoption issues, is a moving testament to the bonding power of motherhood.”  Publishers Weekly


“An astonishing revelation of the emotions that come into play throughout the adoptive process - a must read for all concerned.”  Kirkus Reviews


“A chronicle of a time with the starkest of emotions revealed ... Readers quickly understand the trauma that lingers on deep in the hearts of birthmothers every day of their lives.”   Elliot Bay Booknotes


“It should be a must read for anyone who considers adoption the ‘easy’ answer to an unwanted pregnancy.” The Philadelphia Inquirer


“As she experiences pain and love, you’re on that roller coaster with her, as if the life she lived was yours.” St. Petersburg Times


“Poignant and powerful, The Other Mother shatters the myth that unwed mothers, unprepared for the sacrifice they make, go on to lead normal and untouched lives.”   Booklist

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